Lemmings – An important link in the arctic food chain
Lemmings and their predators are known for their cyclic population fluctuations. Multiplication of the lemming population approx. every four years provide preda...
Release of the musk oxen
Muskoxen were originally only found in North and Northeast Greenland. In 1962‑63, a total of 27 muskoxen were moved from Northeast Greenland and released in t...
Bird species in Greenland
Approx. 235 bird species have been registered, of which about 60 breed regularly in the country. Most migrate south in winter, the arctic tern as far away as An...
The ice-free landscapes
The landscapes are determined by their underlying parent material and shaped by the erosion of repeated glacial periods and the redistribution of sediments. Dur...
Biodiversity and nature management
Biodiversity includes all living organisms on land, in freshwater, in the sea, on glaciers and in the air. The species that live on Greenland have adapted to th...